


Ready for an Adventure?

Hey friends,

Here’s a quick tip I’ve been finding super helpful recently – every morning I try to ask myself: what’s today’s adventure?

Last Friday for example, I had to work on my book. But I felt pretty disengaged just sitting at home on the couch on my laptop. Then it hit me: I’ve always wanted to write a book. Shouldn’t I treat this like the adventure it is?

So what does an adventure look like? Definitely not me sitting at home in my pyjamas and dressing gown, hunched over on my laptop. So I left the house, went to a new coffee shop, sat by a sunny window, and made lots of progress on editing the second chapter of the book.

And it felt fun.

So, next time you’re feeling a bit meh about something, take 5 seconds to ask: what would this look like if it was an adventure? That simple reframing could make your whole day more enjoyable.

Have a great week!

Ali xx


disengage 脱离

Definitely 肯定,绝对

pyjamas 睡衣

hunch 预感,直觉,驼背

reframing 重构




